Thursday, August 12, 2010


Some of you may know...I can sing.

In fact, there have been times in my life when I've been approached to perhaps pursue a career in music full-time. I'm not horrible. I enjoy it fairly well.

I guess it falls into the whole "Jack of All Trades, Master of None" syndrome I feel I have -- I'm "okay" at a lot of things...just not good enough at any one thing to be remarkable.

I'm posting this because this Sunday I am doing a concert for the first time in a long time. Yes, many years ago I actually made a living traveling and singing (and speaking).

This will be different, however. I'm not alone. I'm with two other gentlemen. Maybe even more "different" is the fact that this isn't even my idea. It was definitely theirs. What's worse, the type of music is far from "my" style. I'll be crooning more than an hour's worth of southern gospel music at Hillside Assembly church in Ripon, WI this Sunday night.

Why am I even writing about this? Good question. It isn't like I really want a lot of people who know me -- particularly "my kids" -- to show up and endure the night of twanging. I guess it is mostly because I find the whole undertaking rather intriguing.

For quite some time now I have been a bit "retired" when it comes to putting myself and my "talents" (term used very loosely) to use for any purpose. And now the "purpose" I'm using them for is far from what I'd prefer.

It is funny to me how God orchestrates things.

At one point in my life I was fast-tracked to being one of those speakers and singers all of Christendom knew about...

...and now I'm relegated to a Heavenly Hee-Haw at a tiny little church.

Sure, there are a LOT of things which play a role in that transformation...but most compelling is the fact that despite all of the starts and stops, the failures and frustrations, GOD decided to make me keep my vow to serve Him as HE sees fit.

My "usefulness" to Him doesn't depend on my talent or my situations...merely my obedience.

So, who knows...perhaps this will be the start of a new direction or chapter for me and the ministry I do. Perhaps not.

One thing is for sure, though, I'll be singing for Him on pride, no "hey look at me" attitude...just an "Okay, God...if you say so..."

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